Inspiration for this blog came from Alun Thomas workshop "Platforms for Expression" at 9th International Conference for Alexander Technique in Music Education (30/31st of July, London). Story began here... I will folow and share with Freedom in my thoughts...
Thinking about LISTENING, I came to list of ways how we connect with that sense:
1) When we think simplified, it can be described as listening or non listening, and as I see it, the both statements are "incorrect". If someone can stay behind "I am listening, or I am not listening, and that is that", we can assume that person is not present when You are talking to him/her (even when he/she is find it as listening), or on the other hand, that he/she can hear "through" the walls (when he is not listening). The truth is somewhere in between...;
2) Step further, we can listening and noticing, or listening and not noticing. In that approach I can recognize thinking, and rethinking, evaluating, and describe that as begging of finding the way to truly hear the sound of our life.
3) At next level there is a possibility for listening outside comes, and listening inside comes. Because one doesn't exclude the other, we can go deep under our skin, but at the same moment stay present at the moment which is going on. I see it as the moment when we are loosing our dominant sense, and becoming awake.
4) And then you realize that you can't listen only with your ears, you feel it is not enough, so you follow your insight to become one with yourself, and start listening with whole. Than you find out that you are present and you can hear the sound of your life, sound of my life, maybe for the first time.
Do you recognize any of this examples in people you know? Following Alun's listening exercise, memory came to my mind: I had opportunity to be present on instrumental workshop of great flutist Emmanuel Pahud. He was standing a step behind me, while he was listening the student playing. I felt how he was listening, I didn't need to turn and see. I could describe it as present, powerful, comprehensive listening! And then he stepped in front of me, so I could even see how it looks like, and it is amazing! The skin, body, open hart and open mind were picking every slight musical change in interpretation of student music making. And of course, he gave a feed beck according to way how he did listening...
What can you say about yourself? How do you listen?
As F.M.Alexander tought us with his example, we can't make change only if we wish for change to happened, so we inhibit....
To be continued
Thinking about LISTENING, I came to list of ways how we connect with that sense:
1) When we think simplified, it can be described as listening or non listening, and as I see it, the both statements are "incorrect". If someone can stay behind "I am listening, or I am not listening, and that is that", we can assume that person is not present when You are talking to him/her (even when he/she is find it as listening), or on the other hand, that he/she can hear "through" the walls (when he is not listening). The truth is somewhere in between...;
2) Step further, we can listening and noticing, or listening and not noticing. In that approach I can recognize thinking, and rethinking, evaluating, and describe that as begging of finding the way to truly hear the sound of our life.
3) At next level there is a possibility for listening outside comes, and listening inside comes. Because one doesn't exclude the other, we can go deep under our skin, but at the same moment stay present at the moment which is going on. I see it as the moment when we are loosing our dominant sense, and becoming awake.
4) And then you realize that you can't listen only with your ears, you feel it is not enough, so you follow your insight to become one with yourself, and start listening with whole. Than you find out that you are present and you can hear the sound of your life, sound of my life, maybe for the first time.
Do you recognize any of this examples in people you know? Following Alun's listening exercise, memory came to my mind: I had opportunity to be present on instrumental workshop of great flutist Emmanuel Pahud. He was standing a step behind me, while he was listening the student playing. I felt how he was listening, I didn't need to turn and see. I could describe it as present, powerful, comprehensive listening! And then he stepped in front of me, so I could even see how it looks like, and it is amazing! The skin, body, open hart and open mind were picking every slight musical change in interpretation of student music making. And of course, he gave a feed beck according to way how he did listening...
What can you say about yourself? How do you listen?
As F.M.Alexander tought us with his example, we can't make change only if we wish for change to happened, so we inhibit....
To be continued
Inspiraciju za pisanje ovog bloga sam dobila na radionici Aluna Tomasa "Platforme za izraz" u okviru Devete internacionalne konferencije o Aleksander tehnici u muzičkom obrazovanju, održane u Londonu 30/31.7. Nadovezaću se na njegov blog (link možete naći u tekstu iznad na mestu here) i pokušati da ostanem otvorenog uma za sagledavanje teme slušanja.
Razmišljajući o tome kako sagledavam doživljaj slušanja, spontano je nastala gradacijska lista mogućnosti:
1) Pojednostavljano posmatrano, možemo reći da ja slušam ili ne slušam, ali se čini da su oba tvrđenja "netačna". Naime, ako neko može stati iza izjave:" Ja slušam, ili ne slušam i to je to! ", možemo pretpostaviti da ta osoba ne sluša dovoljno pažljivo i kada tvrdi da sluša, ili s druge strane čuje i "kroz zidove" kad ne sluša.... Realna slika je negde između....
2) Korak dalje, možemo slušati i primećivati, ili slušati i ne primećivati. Tu možemo uočiti uviđanje, analizu, odlučivanje i čini se da je to početak prepoznavanja načina da se oslušne život "punim plućima".
3) Na sledećem nivou slušanja, postoji jasna i prepoznatljiva razlika u slušanju spoljnih i unutrašnjih zvukova. Kako jedno ne isključuje drugo, odlazeći dublje sebi pod kožu, možemo biti svesnije prisutni i u momentu koji se odigrava. Za mene je taj trenutak onaj u kome gubimo dominantno čulo i isećamo se zaista budnim!
4) Tada shvataš da nije dovoljno da slušaš samo ušima, pa pratiš svoj instikt i pristupaš slušanju celovit! Postaješ jedno sa sobom, sa (zvukom) muzikom svog života, muzukom mog života, možda po prvi put.
Prepoznajete li ove primere kod svojih poznanika? Probajući Alunovu vežbu slušanja (osluškivanja) iz bloga gore citiranog, setila sam se jednog primera vrednog spominjanja. Prisustvovala sam času flaute koji je držao Emmanuel Pahud. Stajao je korak, dva iza mene dok je učenik svirao. Bez potrebe da ga vidim, osetila sam kako sluša. To bih mogla opisati kao prisutno, angažovano, posvećeno slušanje. A onda je iskoračio ispred mene i imala sam priliku i da vidim kako to izgleda. Koža, telo, otvoreno srce i prisutan um su prepoznavali svaku nijansu u muzičkoj intrepretaciji. Naravno, saveti i mišljenje o sviranju bili su bogati i detaljni kao i način slušanja....
Ali da se mi vratimo nama... Kako mi slušamo? Ima li prostora za promenu?
Ostajući dosledni učenju Aleksander tehnike, ako želimo da se promena dogodi, svoj put ka promeni započinjemo sa odlukom da ništa ne uradimo.....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nastaviće se. . . . . . . . .